
There have been ongoing rumors circulating in the tech industry that Intel is considering breaking up its business in order to better weather the current challenges it is facing. Reports have suggested that Qualcomm, a key player in the industry, may be eyeing potential acquisitions from Intel, including its chip design business. According to sources
Telegram, a popular messaging platform, has recently made significant changes to its moderation policy. The company’s CEO, Pavel Durov, has shifted his stance on content moderation after facing legal challenges in France. Previously, Telegram had claimed that private chats were protected from moderation requests. However, a recent update to the platform’s FAQ page indicates a
In a recent lawsuit, Xockets, a startup backed by prominent figures from Yahoo and Intel, has taken legal action against Nvidia and Microsoft for allegedly infringing on its patented data processing unit (DPU) technology. The lawsuit also claims that the two tech giants are part of a buying cartel that aims to artificially lower prices