The Turok franchise is making a striking comeback, revamping its classic dinosaur-hunting adventure for a new generation. Originally debuting on the Nintendo 64, Turok was celebrated for its engaging gameplay and imaginative storylines. The latest incarnation, Turok: Origins, seeks to capture that nostalgic essence while traversing into new territory as a third-person shooter. This evolution
In the ever-evolving landscape of PC gaming, where updates are as frequent as they are necessary, Valve’s Steam platform is set to trial a new feature that may well provoke a heated debate among gamers. The notion of allowing updates to be downloaded exclusively upon the launch of a game is under scrutiny. While it
If the visceral action of titles like Space Marine 2 left you craving a deeper engagement with medieval fervor, Band Of Crusaders is poised to fill that void. This open-world, party-based RPG invites players to assume the role of Grandmaster within a knightly order, engaged in an epic struggle against Archdemons threatening Europe. The game’s
Symphonia, a 2D platformer infused with artful design and resonant melodies, invites players into an enchanting universe where music seamlessly intertwines with gameplay. While some may see this as a mere respect to genre conventions, it’s far more than that. The game opens up an extraordinary dialogue between the player and the world, blending non-violent
Marvel Rivals has quickly become a sensation within the gaming community since its release last week, and it’s not hard to see why. An enticing combination of beloved Marvel characters and the popular hero shooter format has propelled it to the fourth position on Steam’s daily active chart, sitting comfortably between heavyweights like Path Of
As the thrilling world of Tekken continues to evolve, fervent fans are left buzzing with anticipation over the next DLC character reveal. This excitement is palpable, as speculation mounts surrounding who will join the roster next. The game developers have teased new content through an engaging trailer released to coincide with the upcoming Game Awards,
Choosing the right moment to unveil a new video game is a critical aspect that can significantly affect its reception and commercial success. In a market saturated with heavy-hitting titles, launching a game amidst significant competition may seem counterintuitive. However, this strategy might be more tactical than it appears. The case of the upcoming game
On a Thursday that passed with little fanfare amidst a sea of other news, a significant milestone was achieved in the gaming world: Caves of Qud officially reached its 1.0 version after 17 years of persistent development. This roguelike title, characterized by its eclectic blend of science fiction and fantasy, has enchanted a niche audience
Escape Simulator garnered significant attention in 2022 for its engaging mechanics and cooperative gameplay. As a co-op escape room game, it stood out due to its minimalistic yet effective storytelling combined with intricate puzzle designs. With the announcement of its sequel, Escape Simulator 2, the developers aim to elevate the franchise further, tweaking the elements
In a gaming landscape often overwhelmed by dramatic narratives and complex mechanics, “Doronko Wanko” bursts onto the scene as a breath of fresh air. This charming game, which translates to “muddy dog,” transforms the simple antics of an adorable Pomeranian into an engaging experience where chaos reigns supreme. While its launch occurred in March, the
The recent announcement from IllFonic, the studio behind titles like *Friday The 13th: The Game* and *Predator: Hunting Grounds*, highlights the precarious state of the gaming industry in 2024. With the disclosure of layoffs as a part of a “refined strategy,” the company reflects a growing trend that has seen many others in the industry
Ubisoft’s recent decision to discontinue its PvP shooter, XDefiant, has sent shockwaves through the gaming community and highlighted some pressing issues within the industry. Alongside the game’s termination, approximately 277 employees lost their jobs across multiple studios in San Francisco, Osaka, and Sydney. This move raises significant questions about the future of the games-as-a-service model